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Monday, November 12, 2012

Stress Get Thee Hence

Part of being healthy, happy, and eager so serve the Lord is taking care of myself. Getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising and all that jazz.....

But it's so hard! Sometimes I just get overwhelmed and need to take some time for myself. But what happens when you can't take time for yourself? on eager beaver.

Approximately 5% of the general public suffer from general anxiety disorder in their lifetime, and as women, we're even more likely to suffer from this often debilitating disorder.

I recently fell victim to stress and was experiencing some pretty great stress headaches.

I needed some help! As a psychology student it was pretty easy because two of my classes were all about stress management. So, along with some prescription pain killer I  jumped into what I thought would be most helpful: Relaxation Techniques and Positive Psychology.

Positive psychology is this field of psychology that is all about positive thoughts and all that great stuff. A small part of positive psychology is what is called a Positive Affirmation. A positive affirmation is when you tell yourself a statement that foreshadows what you want to be. Maybe it's an attribute that you do not yet possess but that you would like to possess, you must say it as though you already possess it. Here's my best shot. Oh yeah, you have to read them EVERY DAY!

My list of Positive Affirmations

1. I am a kind person who is sensitive to the needs of others.
2. I have a positive attitude, and I have joy in others success.
3. I am understanding and treat people as people.
4. I am patient with the shortcomings of others because God is patient with me.
5. I am humble and accept the will of God.
6. I do not worry about things that I cannot change.
7. I show my love for Heavenly Father by actively serving others.
8. I show my love for my Heavenly Father by keeping his commandments.
9. I smile and laugh everyday because I know that I have so much to be grateful for.
10. I use my time wisely and effectively.

Next, relaxation techniques. This one is super great. You go through a set of tensing and relaxing your muscles so your body remembers what they should feel like (relaxed). Through out the day you do a personal check and make sure you're not carrying stress in your muscles. It's pretty fabulous.

As I become less tense and focus on things that really matter I'm better able to help serve the other people around me. I guess the overall moral of this story to yourself like you talk to your best friend. Be nice, be patient. I love learning and growing, it's really what this life is all about.

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