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Friday, December 14, 2012

Charity, The Last Time I Heard Her Voice

I have found that Charity is not just giving something tangible.

Charity is the light in our eyes, and the smile on our face. 
It's the feeling in our heart.

Charity is defined by the kind words that we speak, and the actions that follow.
It is when we kneel in prayer on behalf of another.

It is when tears of sympathy run down our faces for our friends that we feel this "Charity".

Charity is found when we follow the promptings that come from deep down in our souls. When we know we should do something, because we are loving. And then we do it.

The past couple of weeks I've really been working on Charity.
And I really do think there's something to it.

About three months ago I got a phone call from my mother. She was at the hospital visiting her mother and she told me that Grandma had some time to talk to me.

I sighed within myself, if I talked to my Grandma I would be late for class, I would miss the quiz, I might not do well on my test, blah blah blah.

And then within my soul I was reaffirmed that the most important thing in this world is my family. 
So we talked. We talked about haircuts and cold feet.
Nothing that seemed that important.
But, I did tell her I loved her, and she told me that she loved me back.

And that was the last time I ever heard my sweet grandmothers voice. 

The funny thing about Charity is that we often trick ourselves into thinking it's all about the other person. That we give give give, and don't receive. But never in my experience has that been the case. I always receive blessings.

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